Finally, I can teach you how to customize the URL of our blogger post those items more easily effect in Blogger added a new option the message editor that allows you to enter a text that will be used to define the address of the item. This step is effect your blogger SEO.
What you should know- It only works from Blogger Draft, and therefore using the new interface.
- You can not remove the reference to the date year and month automatically added automatically to the URL.
- You can not delete the html. Added to the end of URLs. Unable to customize older articles.
- Once an article, it becomes impossible to change its address (= permanent link)
- It seems that there is no limitation in the number of characters that can be put in the custom URL.
- In the input field of the custom URL you can write letters, do not use any symble or other characters (/,. '?) Are forbidden and make the publication and backup articles impossible. The underscore _ are ignored.
It's very simple, if you are publish your post and you want to change your post link, then you go blogger post section, open your wrong (URL) post and click revert to draft. Looking image.
After revert your blog post, you can change the address of the item regardless of its title by clicking Permanent Link in the column settings posts right:
Click done, Your wrong post url has been changed. OR If you not puslish your post, you are always seeing custom (URL) changed option. No need to revert yout post to draft.
Final Words: Give me feedback for this my post. Thanks
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