If your website / blogger related to craft or recipes and you want to add a print button on each blog post, you can use my tricks, and I hope it will helpful to you.
Today, I write this post about how to include/add a print button on each blog post. Depending on what type of blogs can have much felt a print button associated with each entry. Imagine a blog of recipes or craft blog. In addition to printing we can also download the PDF post.Of all the services I recommend evaluated PrintFriendly click to see standard print button service. You can customize the button and you get a code for Web, Blogger and WordPress. Once set, clicking opens a new window PrintFriendly as if it were a preview. The user can choose to print, export to PDF or send by email. You can even remove text. We also explain how to put it on the blog step 7 later in this tutorial.
Once seen, if the result is what you expect finished. If instead you want to improve the code or customize the icon with another chart read.
Steps to improve the PrintFriendly code and add a custom icon
- Get the print icon. I recommend the service www.iconfinder.net
- Choose either the size of the icon, select which is 24px * 24px
- Download format PNG to your computer
- Now we host the PNG. I recommend Google Sites as we saw when we speak of social icons in the blog, which allows you to create a website and host files and then access them from the blog, follow these steps:
- Open your site or create a new one (remember that the site you have to be public)
- Go to the option Manage Site from which You can post attachments.
- Add the printer icon you chose.
Now look at the code PrintFriendly Enhanced HTML a single bond.
As selected in yellow indicate the direction from your site url and PNG file<a expr:href='"http://www.printfriendly.com/print?url=" + data:post.canonicalUrl' target='_blank'><img alt ='Print or Export PDF'src='https://sites.google.com/site/iniciablog/PDF24.png'/></ a>
- Copy the HTML snippet to a notepad to customize it.
- When you get it, copy it and go to the Template tab and then HTML Editor
- For safety make a copy of the template "Download Full Template".
- Search <b:include data='post' name='shareButtons'/> (use the search the web browser).
- Paste the code you copied right below the line you found.
On my case the meaning of that button is that you serve and you can apply it successfully. Leave your comments. Thank you.
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